May 29, 2014

What is wrong with this generation...

At times I get a little nervous when I think that people my age will soon run the world. (Who runs the world...Girls!...had to have a Queen B reference.) A generation where manners and morals are a choice, and life hacks have made life a little too easy and us a little too dumb. A generation where we can Google whatever we need to know, and gain our information of the world by reading our Facebook friends post, and quick articles on BuzzFeed. But to answer the question 'What is wrong with this generation': Nothing, yet everything.
My generation did not invent the technology that we are now so dependent on, yet our parent...and even grandparents generation. My generation didn't create teen moms, yet previous generations created a show that at time brings more negative awareness than positive. oh and I hate to break it to the 20 something year olds...we apart of the same generation as the teens. Generations are not divided by decades. 
My generations (myself included) is a sad generation, everything we do has an excuse, and common sense is something that isn't so common. Pretty soon we are going to live in a world that is just like what Disney Pixar's Wall-e predicted.
Each generation has innovators that create or modify something to make it easier or more pleasurable, making the generation to follow lazier and lazier. With that being said... What makes our generation any different from the other? Nothing.
Before cars people had to walk... 20 feet in the snow, BAREFOOT!- soon these stories will not be told, because the days of walking to school miles away until you were 10 and dropped out to work will seem so fictional.
Before computers people had to go search in the library and depend on the dewey decimal system (not quite sure what that is click here)
before there was text messaging, you had to actually call people and just hope they were home...then came pagers.
Pagers for teens who idolized Cher Horowitz
Pagers for doctors
Our grandparents generation was a time of sex drugs and rock n roll, a time where believing equal right among races was taboo, and free spirited. Their parents thought they had lost their mind! And now: Sex, drugs and dub step, thinking that equal right among different sexualities makes you seem naive and off the path of righteousness. 
Our Parents generation was all about big hair over sized clothing with holes in places that was rather revealing, and neon for days. Now: The less the better, less hair, less clothes. Equally as dumb in hindsight.
Lord knows what is in store for the next generation... We will absolutely hate it, and find it incredibly stupid, and think back when, when we were no where that volgur, trashy, or classless. 

Each generation can take a lesson from previous generations. Lessons in love, responsibilities, respect, independence, creativity and especially class. I feel as though all those slowly faded away, to the point where it seem like the moment the first person of generation Y was born, manners, and respect for others and self went out the window.  (a few ruin it for all)
Despite how you feel about this generation and the laziness we have to offer, we are NOT a generation of door mats. Which cannot be said about many previous generations. We will speak up on almost anything we find unfair, and catch on pretty quickly when need be. Yes, we will be alright, in the future, we will mature, and learn from our ridiculous, embarrassing mistakes, and get it together and be the next lying politician that everyone loves to hate. Look out future Generation Y is here to stay and breed an even more annoying, rude, selfish generation.

May 13, 2014

Well, Hello Strangers.

    I haven't posted in a while, partly because I haven't had time, and all the exciting things that have happened to be over the past several weeks involve people, that may not want their business all over my blog, so I well relish those memories in my head and with them...and maybe one day in a book where I give everyone a  name that rhymes with theirs.

           But I can share this with you all. I was chosen to be part of the Andy Grammer tour crew! Who is Andy Grammer you might ask. He is this amazingly talented singer/songwriter/beat boxer/ human, who I have been a fan of for years. I am beyond excited to be apart of this tour crew experience and it is hands down an incredibly easy (yet, annoying to some) task. All I need to do, is blast social media with information for his back home tour in my area, and work the merchandise booth at his concert on June 18th, and Center Stage the lofts (shameless plug...get your tickets here and come see me- they are only 20 bucks! cant beat that. ) along with 2 other luckily people. In return, I get yo meet Andy, and get a mini private concert, not to mention the experience! I am beyond psyched! seriously though, check out Andy Grammer. thank me later.   

Enough with Andy Grammer and lets move onto, SUMMER. I am not much of a summer person, but this summer I will be 21... is it weird that I am a little nervous? I guess because, the next age milestone will be 25, when I can rent a car. Sometimes I wish my life was more like GIRLS, minus the really awkward Hannah, Adam sex and more of the Soshisms.

I hope that this summer will be a good one. Maybe I will get a boyfriend, and will no longer be lonely- which one of my lovely 4th graders, Michelle, likes to bring up every single day- oh how I am going to miss her over the summer... where is the sarcasm font when you need it. 
But in all honesty, I will miss my students over the summer. I never really understood how teachers could love a bunch of crazed kids, until this year. I love all my kids so much, even the ones that make me curse the second I shut my car door. They are the highlight of my day, which is sometimes a little pathetic. Of course I have my favorites, but I cannot help it if some students are less punchable than the other (kidding! obviously). Even though I will be working summer camp, I will not have my same babies, they will moving on the 5th grade, with some going off to different schools. but I will quickly love my new bunch, not nearly as much as my first class ever, they will always have a special place in my heart. -there I showed some emotion... happy Blake?
Even i this summer is filled with grand first and adventures, I will not be bummed, I have many more summers to look forward too, and I am not going to stress over a tumblr picture perfect summer. I am not a thin tan white girl will sun in in my hair... RATS- that eliminates all tumblr inspired summers. 
Blog soon. I promise!
Happy 43rd birthday Mama, Miss and Love you!