January 6, 2014

Another list that is vital you follow since you are twenty something

With list telling you what to do before you turn this age and before you get married and before you meet a unicorn named Bob and fly over a rainbow, I decided to hop on the bandwagon and A. Discuss it and B. Create a list that you obviously must do!

The list phenomenon can be useful to help others realize that there is so much out there- (most of the items on these list aren't over the top unattainable). However with the infamous '23 things to do instead of getting married before 23' and all the angry rebuttals from married women (who should be having sex with there husbands instead of taking a blog post a 22 year wrote personal.) going around Facebook, I thought my insight would be a little different-and I just wan to voice my opinion because, I can...
 I'm 20, FOR marriage in your twenty somethings, but I'm no where near marriage and cannot fathom being a wife at my age, because I am not ready. I am also for these annoying list of things to do before insert goal here. I understand why those who are 23 and married or on the path to marriage being irked by it, but It wasn't like the government declared marriage illegal to those 23 and younger. But what should really be the question is... why the list was limited to "instead of getting married at 23?" Are you suppose complete said things on list and then turn 24 and get married? Or if you are 24 are you too old to check off things on the list? 

*To play Devil advocate: We do write about what we know about and what we want. A 14 year old isn't going to write about being 40 and things to do before you turn 50. So a single 22 year old is going to right about things a single 22 year old might want to do before being married and getting older. (Granted someone things on that list were a tad out there.)

Our twenties is a time of growth and stepping stones no matter single, in a serious relationship, engaged, married or for some divorced. There needs to be a list of things that we need to accomplish in our twenties to help aid us in out thirties, forties, fifties,sixties, seventies, eighties, and ninties (if we are lucky and healthy our hundreds) they do not need to be deep or serious. Some of the listings (on my list below) will help with confidence, growth, healing, maturing, loosen you up ad even make you roll your eyes and keep scrolling. Again we write about what we know about. My list to help out my peers, so when we are older we can have something to work with! 
I am obviously a professional and what I say needs to be done or I do not how you will make it through your twenties. 
Here it goes...

24 things every twenty-something year old woman should do. Single or married:

1.Read that book that everyone was raving about in middle/high school. 
-Now that you are older you won't have to worry about fully not understanding it, and the references in our generations films from the book will make sense and you can laugh at due time not delayed since you gave no idea where that genius one liner is from. May the odds be evah in your favor!

2. Go to a movie solo. 
-How many times have you waited for a kick ass indie movie to come to red box or Netflix, because when it was in theaters you had no one to go see it with. Also you will be less tempted to talk so you won't miss anything at all! 

3. Create a dating profile. (No no if you are in a relationship)
-Not to utilize it, but to see what type of guys they pair you with, maybe you'll learn something about yourself and understand why you are attracting so many creepy guys. Delete it afterwards or if you like what you see go for it! Just BE CAREFUL!

4. Clean out your phone! 
-Stop hoarding conversations! (Granted if the person is no longer here or you can not talk to them due to other reasons and that is all you have left of them, then hoard away) but if I'm your BFF and you have our text since you texted me "hey gurl, this my new numba save it, beeotch" 6 years ago. D E L E T E it!!! 

-Also those random contacts you have accumulated over the years...BYE. if you don't know who the hell that person is, delete. If you haven't talked to the person since graduation which was 1+years ago delete. That toxic ex of yours that you drunk text. Yeah your friends should have deleted that along time ago for you. No need to constantly have a reminder of a drunken night in your hand, pocket, purse and sometimes bra.

5. Have sleepovers! 
-Get a bunch of girls that you can actually tolerate together and have a sleep over old fashioned style. Food, mixed CDs, gossip and movies that everyone love. We are young! Why forget how much good friends are worth. Let the giddy teen come out in you! 

...but since are are "adults"(see six )

6. Have a dinner party.
-Invite friends and their significant other over,cook (or as I do, get take out and then place in nice dishes). Hostess gifts are always pleasant. 

7. Go to sleep before 9:30 at least 3 times a week. 
-I know that anytime before 10 is early now a days, but a goodnight sleep can help with metabolism, digestion, mood, and many other quintessential health issues. Plus you probably won't hit snooze as often, and will not rush to get ready. oh and I am sort of a bitch when I am sleepy, and even if you do not want to admit it, you probs are too.

8. Pack your lunch
-Whether you are a college student or a career woman, packing your lunch is great! 1. It saves you money. 2. You can create a healthy meal at home that perks you up, unlike fast food that makes you sluggish

9. Get a coffee maker. (I'm obsessed with my Kureig!!!) 
-It will save you time and yet again money. You most likely aren't going to marry that cute obviously gay barista at Starbucks, so stop wasting your time and money there every morning!
***the hot water is great for Ramen***

10. Turn off your phone/leave it at home/in your car
-You will be surprised how much you get done when you don't have a scapegoat from doing a work project or studying for a final. It's so easy to get sucked into Instagram scrolling, hilarious twitter accounts, Facebook creeping and pinning. You will actually have conversations and probably won't say 'huh' when someone ask you a question since you have a phone to buried into. 

11.Wear red lip stick. 
-Even if not out in public, wear it around the house you will feel instasexy, which will boost your confidence. Go to sephora and find your color for free make it a girls day ( remember number 5...never forget how important your friends are)

12.Watch/Read the news at least twice a week. 
-Yes I know the news is depressing and at times boring but you'll be surprised of what little you know about what is going on! Especially during election time. Stay informed! (I'm pretty liberal, so CNN is my favorite, Anderson Cooper is pretty easy to look at!)

13. Wash your sheets once a week. 
-More to add to your to do list. But you'll be shocked to know how dirty your sheets are. You come in from a late night of partying and decide to shower in the morning...yea your sleeping in last nights what the hell did I do sweat. Also the oil from your face and body can increase acne break outs. 

14. Become an expert at something.
-Master a skill, know a shit ton about Greek Gods. (I know pretty much everything about Paul Rudd Quiz me) that way you can carry on a conversation with someone and impress them and get close to them by teaching them whatever you are a genius at! Plus- it helps get your brain healthy to learn new things even way past high school. 

15. Buy underwear every 3 months. 
-How many pair of under wear do you have? No how many do you wear? Toss out the old and get a mixture of sexy lace thongs and baggy sleep panties. Your body changes slightly through the year. Gaining or even loosing three pounds can make undies fit weird. Target has cute cheap undies hell so does walmart! Not saying go to Victoria's Secret and shell out big bucks for panties

15. Get fitted for a bra! 
-As women we tend to neglect our 2 life long buddies- the boobs. Not wearing the right bra is not only unflattering, but can cause bad posture and back issues. Plus size store Lane Bryant sizes for free! And if you are in the Atlanta Area, Livi Rae Lingerie (Stars of Double Divas on Lifetime) is the shit! I thought I was a 36C, I'm actually a 34D! 💁

15.5. Check your boobs weekly for lumps. 
-Cancer is no joke, and never think you are too young for Brest cancer. Cancer definitely isn't ageist. If anything feels...not normal, go to your doctor! 

16. Become CPR/First Aid certified. 
-It is easy, and could save lives! does more need to be said? Keep a first aid kit in your home, never know when something may happen. Plus you can practice on your man (or in my case body pillow)! Nothing hotter than playing Nurse.
17. Print out FB pics. 
-All those awesome pictures that are on Facebook that Carol from your accounting class tagged you from that frat party, yeah print them out, along with the other pictures you have posted! Who knows how long Facebook will be around, so mine as well have those memories to be embarrassed in a few years. Also last minute gifts- picture of you and Carroll and a Dollar General frame! 

18. Toot your own damn horn. 
-If you aren't surrounded by awesome people who tell you how awesome hot smart hilarious and cool you are- then tell yourself! If you believe it then your confidence will draw in other and then they will start tooting your horn for you. You is kind. You is smart. You is important. 

19. Geaux Naked. 
Speaking of confidence start doing things naked in the privacy of your home/dorm/room. You'll be surprised how freeing it feels. Also stand I from the mirror and notice how hot you are. Don't point out the flaws. Just say "hey they hottie;)"

20.Take a trip! 
-Go to that place you have talked about going to since you were 12 and figured out how to google vacations! Start saving money now. Try the 52 week challenge, or just a spare change savings, even a X amount per pay check. (I only keep 30% of my tax return and save the other 70%...Italy here I come!) mention it to a friend or family member for safety reasons have someone go with. If not go alone and do group things once you get to where ever you want to go. Before you have kids and have to become 3rd on your priority list! 

21.Delete your twitter.
- *gulps* did I just say that. Yes. Delete it. But how will you know what Kristen from your freshman honors biology glass is up too? Yeah.  No one cares. Delete.  Start a new one where you only follow new sources, your BFF, her ex to creep on for her and your fave celebs. That way you don't have the baggage from the account you created in 9th grade. (I created my original twitter in 2009) -I will eventually delete it, but until then feel free to follow me ;) @porshiacarter
22. Know about HPV. 
-We learned about all sorts if STDs and STIs in high school but sometimes as women we are oblivious to the dangers of HPV if not detected and treated. If you are having sex of any kind get tested, get your shots and be careful of you let butter your muffin (had to have a mean girls reference). Even if you are married- if your guy has had sexual partners before you get tested. There isn't a test for men! Protect yourself babe! 

23. Volunteer! 
-I cannot express how much your time will mean more than your spare change. You have time. Instead of being selfish and going to the mall...again, so spend some time at the homeless shelter, help out a local oraganization. Take books and magazines worth reading down to those having to sit in that cold silent awkward room to have to get chemo. Go to a boys and girls club. Do something for others. You will not regret it, trust me!!! 

24. Make a pointless list. 
- It is a lot easier than it looks and quit fun! You will find out what you are passionate about and realize what you want to to before...

I chose 24 because I have OCD and it had to be a multiple of 3. Don't  judge me. 
As you can see my list is mainly starting what will so be natural and second nature to you. Things that being twenty something we tend to put off and over look. While others were more fun and silly ( I'm only semi kidding about the dating profile- I did it and deleted it 48 later. I only attract creeps!!!)
Learn to take list and post less personal (unless they call you out then defend yourself!!!) 
-if the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. 
Until next time blogosphere. 
-twenty something and dazed. 

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