January 9, 2014

Stairway to heaven.

I have heard the the intial fall is what hurts the most. The unexpected, the pounding, the caution soons fades.
No I'm not talking about falling in love. I'm talking about falling down the stairs and seeing the light(from my bedroom).

I have spent more than have my day dealing with two comcast technicians who left in the middle of installing Caleb and wifi left to "get some grub"...yeah I'm not kidding. 
One boy arrived at 9:45, went MIA for an hour-I almost went looking for him, goodness that would have been an entry, Comcast man found dead under house while texting on the job. When he reappeared he told me he would be back because he had to get his partner who over slept. Great. I was really nice and chill about it because 1. I am a nice and chill person. 2. I was pretty much a walking zombie. 3. With him gone I could play show tunes as loud as I wanted to. From (first) arrival to final departure, it was 3 hours. I was ready to set up my DVR for the Hostages 2 hour finale! I ended up falling asleep for a few hours and only woke up to pee. As I was washing my hands I decided I needed to wash my face because my pores were just a little too noticeable. With my phone in my hand blaring 'Don't Rain on my Parade', I walked down the steps to get my face wash, I made it to the second to last step... One step, one Misstep and BAM! (If you just got my Refrence to Don't Rain on my Parade, I love you. You are flawless and and angel just received their wings) I fell so hard, I was stunned for what seemed like the longest micro second. I heard a crack. Sh!t I broke my ass. The pain was so extreme that I couldn't even feel pain. I thought as I sat there grasping what the hell just happen.  I began to stand up slowly I realized the my ass wasn't broken, but it was sore. The step however wasn't as well as I was. It cracked, yup my happy fat ass cracked a stair. I began to laugh so hard at what just happened I forgot that my buttox was still sore. I went to walk in my bedroom to get my face wash and realized that walking wasn't going to be easy. So I did what anywise twenty year old would do. Slid onto the floor on my stomach crawled into my bed room, use my arms to hoist myself up onto my sofa, and yell careful instructions for my little brother to bring me an ice pack down stairs.
 ...I could tell him the step and him probably not care to being me an ice pack.
Me:"...THAT CRACK WAS MY BUTT BONE...oh ouch AHHH hurts so bad."
I could him walk from the top of the steps to the kitchen as he made it half way don't the steps. I told him to stop.
B: "Why?"
Me: "I sort of kind of broke a step-- So in going to need you to walk down to the third step and jump".

He jumped all right, jumped off the third step and right into the wall. Obviously Grace is genetic... He stood up quickly and seemed fine, but I was mainly concerned about the ice for my ass. "I couldn't find an ice pack so I brought these instead" he hands me a bag of garlic cauliflower. Seriously? He didn't ask if I was okay he just said,"just throw it way when you are done." And proceeds to run back up the stairs to continue watching Adventure Time. So here I am sitting on frozen cauliflower, blogging, and crazing a pop tart that i can not walk to get. Thank Goodness a Teen Wolf marathon is on. 

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