We all have friends that are mainly acquaintance-or even a step lower. Social media "friends". You know them. You even like or comment on their status and Instagram post and occasionally retweet them. There only unspoken rule is: If you don't like me don't follow me. But your real life friends, you know the ones that you get lunch with willing in public, the friends that you text and call in a pretty regular basis, your friends that you can sit in a couch with and have just as much fun as going out. Ya know your best friends. I hope we all past that stage where we can only have like ONE bffl. I know I have more than one BFF and I understand the unspoken rules of best friendship, while some of my "BFFs" do not. And some of you may not understand the rules that pretty much apply to every friendship. Well I being you social media friend will help you along with my BFFs who should be reading my blog semi regularly (rule #6) understand the unspoken rules of best friendship.
*Disclaimer: These rules are no particular order and will be dramatized.
Rule #1: Always cover for them there parents ask questions. Even in our twenty something's parents think you are a mature adult and will be honest with them about what their grown baby is up to. Well, your loyalty is your BFF. If Kelly's mom ask you what is up with Kelly and her FWB, David, do not tell Mrs. Kelly's mom that Kelly is just sleeping with David. Just shrug your shoulders and say I don't really know. You know how relationships are now a days everything is complicated. Which isn't exactly lying, just not making your BFFs mom disappointed in her actions.
Rule #2: if your BFF needs help seek help. With rule number one being stated, if your BFF is on the brink of a break down mentally/emotionally/physically say something. If your BFF is a drug addict, alcoholic GET THEM HELP. If they suffer from an eating disorder, depression GET THEM HELP. If your BFF is in an abusive relationship. Kick their boyfriend or girlfriends ass, Then GET THEM HELP. You much rather lose your BFF because you "told on them" rather than have them gone form this world forever.
Rule #3: It is okay to send random gifs and memes and most importantly screenshots . When you see a hilarious vine or that gif the describes you perfectly you have to send it to someone and since Nicole from your Brit lit class from high school who you haven't seen or talked to since ...well high school would probably think you are crazy for sending them, your BFF is the the only reasonable person to send this junk too. And you need to accept the messages and tags with honor. I mean your BFF thought of you enough to tag you directly. You as a BFF also need to send the screenshots of an exes tweet to remind them why they indeed need to always stay an ex. Even if they do not ask you to do so...do it until they start talking to someone new.
Rule #4: while screenshots of exes being sent, don't forget to creep on the new interest! Decrypt their statues and talk your BFF up! "He tweeted have a good night! Was that the night that he stopped by the party you were at? It was only good because he saw you" even of you don't think he really likes her- a little hope never hurt anyone right...?
Rule #5: contradicting the above ...tell your BFF when a guy isn't in to her so she doesn't look like a crazy lifetime movie waiting to happen.
Rule #6: support your BFF on social media. Like majority of their status because you tote ma goats understand, if your BFF puts up a selfie on Instagram LIKE IT. Especially when you are on Instagram liking everyone else's stuff. If your BFF has a blog. COUGH COUGH. Actually read it! Nothing irks me more (social media wise) than when I see my "BFFs" liking everyone else pictures and posting pictures but not liking my picture. Like WHAAA? Gee. Thanks. Especially when I like their pictures. Rude. Ugh.
Rule #7: Taco Bell fixes everything. Bored want Taco Bell? Sad? Want Taco Bell? Break up...Taco Bell heals all broken hearts.
Rule #8: don't not ask for food. Just get it. If I can't just go through your fridge and pantry for something to eat then we are not BFFs. And I don't have time for you.
Rule #9: exes are off limits. I mean come on duh. Every situation is different, but as young as we are no good ever comes from it. Secrets are kept and awkward moments are created. Doubtful that a serious relationship will form but still chances are your friendship will be weakened which is not good. Also it will be hard for your friend to talk him up to you when she dated him and wants to be a typical girl and bash her ex. It's just awkward in general. Maybe when we are in our thirties it will be okay.
Rule #10: Make time for your BFF. I don't care if you work 3 jobs are a full time student and volunteer as a firefighter. Seeing your BFF every 3 months when you live in the same county isn't okay. At least call them or text them once a week. OR REPLY TO THE TEXT OR CALL. The I have no time excuse is getting old. We have nothing but time. You'll regret it once you are older and no longer have that BFF. Even a 5 minute phone call once a week means something.
Rule #11: don't make plans on your BFFs birthday. You should know it by now. So don't make plans. It's hurtful. I know from annual experiences.
Rule #12: friends don't owe friends money. (Unless it's a huge sum) if I buy you dinner I do not expect that 15.72 back. I expect you to get my dinner when I am broke as hell in about 1 week. If you write down what your BFFs owe you, you probably aren't a good friend. just sayin
Rule #13: Always take silly pictures. only a few serious pictures exist. When it comes to taking pictures, you know exactly when to be serious and when to be yourself with out even suggesting a pose it just happens.
Rule #13: Always take silly pictures. only a few serious pictures exist. When it comes to taking pictures, you know exactly when to be serious and when to be yourself with out even suggesting a pose it just happens.
Rule #14: When you see something that you know your BFF would die for you get it. even something as simple as razzels. Do you really need a special occasion to get a gift? NO so you do not need a special occasion to give one either!
Rule #15: Profess your love for your friend. how ever you show love show it. I do not say I love you, I think it is a given, yet I try to spend quality time with my friends and include them as much as possible to show them that I love them... it is something I need to work on, but a rule i follow non the less.
Rule #16: DO NOT COMPLAIN! if you are doing something with your BFF that isn't your cup of tea, do not fake not feeling well to get out of it. As your BFF we can tell when you are or aren't sick.Unless it something that makes you feel unsafe, then just bare through it. It will not kill you!
Rule #17: Listen to there stories as many times as they want to tell it. even if it does change a little each time.
Rule #18: Never ever EVER pick a guy over your BFF. make it work, and do not neglect.
I know that every best friendship has their own ways, but I think these are pretty much generic. I know I am not the best friend in the world, but I know I am a pretty good friend. I feel as though friendships are one of the most difficult things, and it shouldnt be, but it is. We need to make effort to maintiain friendships and realize how it easy it is to burn bridges. romances come and go, but friends should be forever.