March 18, 2014

2 years and counting...

I debated on whether or not I wanted to write blog post about the day my mom died. It is one of those days that I will never forget. I remember minor details and yet forget some parts as if they never happened. 

2 years ago today my mom ended her fight with cancer. I am living proof that there is life after death. Honestly, the most annoying part is having to tell people that my mom is dead. It is this revolving door of pity and awkward "I'm sorry"'s People think that since my mom is no longer her that they can't talk about their moms in front of me, that yo momma jokes are offensive, and that I sit at home and cry all the time. The fact that you think those things is quite offensive. Yeah it sucks! It sucks ass. But I can't do anything about it. 
 I don't know what else to say. It has become the new norm for me to not have her here.  
 I miss her daily, I slip up and talk about her like she is still here or sometimes for a few minutes of  wander lust forget she even died. I even get angry at her for dying, which I use to feel guilty about it. 

Honestly, I have never not wanted to write. I several soon to be blog post in my notes on my Iphone. but I don't want to write about my moms passing. I miss her and love her and always will. It may get easier, it may get harder only time can tell. but it has been 2 years and counting since my mom passed away. 

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