January 13, 2014

Miss. Porshia are you married?

When you are young, especially in elementary school love is this amazing concept that you believe is everywhere. When your teacher is married, you think she is living this princess life with prince charming awaiting at home for her to dance with and kiss on the cheek. (Which I hope that is how it is for most of the married teachers I work with). So when a student notices my infinity love knot ring on my left ring finger they constantly ask if I am married. When I tell them, I am not married they have a look of disappointment and confusion on their face. Some even have hilarious and hurtful responses "oh, well you are old you need to get married soon" or my favorite "I'm sorry you aren't married" Yeah. me too. Thanks. My older girls ask if its from a boyfriend with hope in their eyes that one day a boy will love them enough to give them a ring. Again, I have to disappoint. I wear a ring on the ring finger of my left hand  because I have a promise to myself that I will wait until until true love comes along. No, it isn't because I am a Christian (which I am, but havent always been- it is so much more). It is because I want to trust someone so much with the ONE thing that I can never get back.

At an early age I knew where babies come from and how it happen. I was that kid in school who would tell my peers that storks do not exist, and then inform them of really went down. I traumatized a lot of kids, but I was always appropriate about it. Being raised by a single mom and the oldest of the house, I knew a lot more than I should, partly because I was nosey, and mainly because I knew then that without love there isn't structure. And when there isn't structure pain happen.

 I am 20 years old, never had a boyfriend (well one when I was 15, but we are NOT counting that), I have never been heart broken, I have never done anything that I regret, or that can ruin, or put a rift in my plans for the future.  I am not saying anything negative about those who haven't waited until they where in love, it is all a personal choice, based on your experiences, and what you want in life.

 Notice that I am saying love, not marriage. It is ideal for me to wait until I am married, but If I am in love, truly in love, I think I will be ready to explore life in every aspect with the guy I am in love with- and hopefully that includes marriage.

my ring; meaning, everlasting love... which as corny as it seems, I
will always have love and respect for myself, and wait for
the right guys to come along that will love and respect
 me more than I love and respect myself.
I feel as though a lot of people especially girls, try to fill a void and create love out of the smallest glimpse of affection, which ends up creating more holes in the heart that need filling, which starts an ever going cycle. Why do that do yourself? If you have a missing link in your life, find it, and I promise you, at 18 a man isn't the missing link. If it is meant to be with someone it will happen. It will not be forced. No need to give a piece of you away to someone who doesn't value you and what you are giving them.

My ring is a constant reminder that I am woman hear me roar, ya know. I have no shame in being a virginal prude at 20... or even in the future when I am twenty something. So Next time a student ask me If I am married I will smile, say no, but can't wait to be one day, I still young silly! Hopefully one student will remember me, and know that I was the crazy lady who wore a true love waits ring and understand when they are older!

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