January 11, 2014

Wish me Ia manuia!

Am I the only person who had no idea where Samoa was? I knew it was a country and an island, and that The Rock is Samoan (right?), but if you asked me to point it out on a map...I would probably have labeled a small island off Hawaii as Samoa. And I am pretty good with geography--even though I thought Boliva was in Europe until 11th grade. Why am I talking about Samoa? Why not talk about Samoa? It is a gorgeous country that produced the great genes that Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson possesses.   
             Just look at this gorgeous picture... clear waters, blue skies, trees, they actually have trees! But, like with everything beautiful there is an ugly side. Samoa may not be the most underdeveloped country, but it is among the many ideal destination hubs that has a lot more going on beyond the clear waters and green scenery. Since they are recently independent from New Zealand (1962) they rely mainly on the money from the tourism. Even though they are rich in culture and educating the children on what will keep their traditions alive, education and health care isn't a resource that they are fortunate enough to have easy access too. 

Well, last night as I was laying on my couch drinking hot tea, I picked up my February issue of Cosmopolitan, the magazine that I love to read but since I am a virginal 20 year old prude, I can not relate to half the articles. I came across a small column. "The Week You'll NEVER Forget." It gave different ways to make meaningful memories by taking an "alternative spring break". Well I don't go on srpting break for many reasons, my college spring break doesn't match the spring break at the Charter elementary school I work at. And Mainly because I don't like drunken people with barely any clothes or spending my money on doing nothing somewhere else. While I can stay at home and do nothing for free!
Me last night reading Cosmo...on a Friday night.
My life is always this exciting.
Doesn't Ariana Grande look amazing!

The small column that made me spend
4 hours on projectaboard.com

By reading the suggested alternative spring break, I knew I couldn't do this during spring break due to my work/school break not being the same, however I have summer and winter breaks that I could spend volunteering. I volunteer as much as possible locally. I am a volunteer mentor, for the Teach One to Lead One program, I come into work all the time early to help out whom ever needs it before I have to be on clock. I love helping others, not to brag about it, but because I find it fun! you get to know people, make connections and make a difference! 

At first I started with habitat.org, but there wasn't any events that I could help out with due to  my school and work schedule. Then I decided to check out Project Aboard.  I read everything I could about it, and love what they are doing. With several ways to help out in more than one category. From medical volunteers, to building, to farming to dance and drama, to teaching and child care.You can volunteer for a week in some destinations or months depending on the program and the country. I loved what I was reading!!!

I have had many friends go on mission trips to several countries to spread the gospel which is great, but as someone who has never had to calling to missions, I use to feel guilty, like I was a bad christian by not wanting to go another country to spread the word. Mainly because I am afraid of what they will ask me and me sounding like a programmed sister Christian, with a generic response, to why they are living in turmoil. I know "God will guide you with what to say in that situation..." but he isn't pushing me to missions so I feel as though, they are not in my plan. Which I am AOkay with. However, going abroad to volunteer in a field that I am passionate about is something I feel is in my plan. I love children, I work with them daily, yes they can be annoying, and down right bad at times, but all children want is the same thing, which is love and attention. two things I can give. 
School children in Samoa! How precious are they! 

I was looking at all the countries that intrigued me, and I kept coming back to Samoa, this was before I googled to figure out where is was! It was one of the few places that offered short term programs and programs in care! By going to Samoa I will be able to volunteer with children for the duration of my breaks, start when I want to and go home when I want. I will leave being paid in experience, culture, love, and memories.
 I do not know when I will go, it is pretty pricey, I know since I am being selfless and volunteering, donations will be appropriate to ask for, fundraising parties etc. but I may go in December or maybe next year, regardless I will be going. I have already signed up for an orientation and talked to an organizer, so this isn't just all talk and no action. I will for sure keep you guys posted about what I decide to do, and prayers and positive thoughts are welcomed! let me know about what you think, or maybe we can do this together!