June 16, 2014

Lynchburgh, Tennessee

This is a late post ...
but this past weekend I went to Tennessee with my second family. We went to the Jack Daniels distillery in Lynchburg, Tennessee to start things off Friday afternoon. At first I didn't think I would have much fun at a distillery of whiskey. I don't think I've ever had whiskey honestly, not even Jack Daniels. I know it's the most popular of the whiskers-- pretty sure it's been in several country songs, but how interesting could really be.
As you pull up, it doesn't look like your typical factory, which is what I assumed it would be considering the mass production of Jack Daniels. The distillery was beautiful!
I'm not gonna tell you too much about Jack Daniels distillery because you need to take a trip up to Lynchburg, Tennessee for yourself. But I will tell you that it is sort of like an old southern plantation in a weird way. Its not big and gaudy like the southern plantations you see on TV, and it wasn't really a plantation ...I guess it was just old and southern beautiful!
The tour guide was this old man named Mike, he truly loves what he was doing, he made the entire Tour enjoyable. He knew exactly what he was talking about and made it interesting.
Our Group was different to say the least. We had about 12 people from Wisconsin who were going to a wedding in Alabama and decided to stop through on their way. There's also this amazing couple from the Netherlands. They told us that they had to get the son and T-shirt! that's all he wanted. Then there was two men from Japan. I'm sure they spoke English but their accents were incredibly thick . When Mike ask them where they're from they told him hapan it was funny.
The tour started with coal and how they were made wood  fired by nothing ...other than whiskey.... Then we went to the house, well technically an office I guess, for Jack Daniels himself kept money and potentially unknowingly killed himself... Of course not then and there, I mean if Jack Daniels committed suicide accidentally or on purpose it would be the most interesting facts about Jack Daniels. However Jack, being like most men a little violent toward inanimate objects, when angry kicked his safe and broken his big toe and didn't go to the doctor to get it fixed. An infection set up in his toe, causing him to lose his toe, foot, leg then life. Mike said that if he would have just dipped his foot and some of his own whiskey maybe the infection wouldn't have set up and maybe he wouldn't have died. But he did and luckily the company was left his nephew who continued to make a whiskey the way Jack intended it to be made. Who knows maybe I'll win jeopardy one day with this information.

After the distillery we went to the town of Lynchburg where of course everything is made with this key because it is a dry town so they can sell it but I can sure bake with it. It was such a cute town . Lynchburg Tennessee has a population 361 people. My graduating class was pushing 700.

It was an interesting tour that I truly enjoyed. So if you have time, go to Lynchburg and take the free distillery tour...  if your kidless, and 21, take the testing tour.

June 15, 2014

Offically an "adult"...

Today, June 15th, 2014, I, Porshia Carter, am officially an adult and a comma abuser! I'm 21!!! I thought being 21 would feel different, but so far my hour into adulthood feels the same. Maybe this will be the year...the year of what? No clue, but it will be a year. So far on my 21st birthday I have accomplished: finishing Divergent...which is sort of sad considering I am a little behind in the Roth fandom and a few years to "old" for young adult novels... I am quite proud of myself.
 Being 21 makes me nervous. Getting older makes me nervous. It is the one thing that I dread more than anything. Aging. Not for vanity reasons, but for unreadiness. I know, no one is ever really ready to grow up, we think we are, but we aren't. I mean I am an adult, I am grown, I am woman hear me roar. It is just weird to think I am not this 16 year old girl anymore. I know others haven't seen me as 16 for many years, yet, I feel as though I am still this baby who needs to be protected and told to back away from the street. I am a big big kid, not more mild stone birthdays until I am 50... I guess you can count 30, but It will be like fall day lights saving, as soon as I turn 30, I will go back to 29. (I am closer to 30 than I am to 10-shit I feel old.)
I am 21 ya'll...what? Where did the time go?
This is crazy!

June 1, 2014

I, a post about Me.

I have nor ever will claim to be perfect. I am so far from, I am probably closer to Mars than I am to perfection. Some people...well less than some, could view me an annoyingly cocky. I know I am smart... I am not a genius. I know I am not ugly, even though I feel ugly at times, and see people daily who are so stunning I want to cry. I know I am strong, and believe it or not, I do express my emotion, only when  I am comfortable and it is needed. I am a very calm person, I have never snapped on a friend when literally all of my friends have copped an attitude with me on more than several occasions. I am frustrated daily, I want to hit something so hard that it shatters. I am lonely, not in the aspect of love, I know I am loved, yet I am 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th loved- do not pity me, because you probably are as well. I am underestimated, I will thrive more than you will ever know. I am forgotten, almost every day-- again, do not feel sorry for me, because you most likely are too. I am annoyed, I do not want to answer your questions, and you really do not care for the answer. How much longer in school? No Clue. Have a boyfriend yet? Ha, Nope. *On Mothers Day/Christmas/New Years, Thanksgiving, Easter, Flag Day* How are you doing today? Fine. Seriously, you are asking me feel bad for you because I am not the emotional wreck that you want me to be. How do you spend your paycheck so fast? Gee, I Don't Know, I Have To Feed My Family, and Help Out  Financially. I'm Sorry. Don't Be.
I am proud of myself. I have plenty of excuses to use.
I want to have tons of sex- Daddy Issues.
I want to get drunk every weekend, even some weekdays- Mom died
I want to do drugs- My Best Friend Took His Own Life.
I want to post slutty pictures online- I want a boyfriend
I am Glowing with Pride. Because I have somehow respected myself beyond a lot of girls my age- I may be 20, but I am a girl. I have never backed down from my opinion, lets face it, I'm usually never in the wrong. I have remained true to myself.
I am ashamed, ashamed that despite how amazing I am, I let others anger me because they are insecure, self destructive, ugly (on the inside) ignorant, weak and blind to life's black holes.
I am wonderfully made, and Wonderfully imperfect.